Hello and Welcome!

My name is Marcie Cohens and I am an HHC – Herbal Holistic Consultant. I am a 54-year-old retiree from the allied health field. That’s a fancy word meaning I performed all the doctors’ works while they looked on until I mentioned a discrepancy.

I retired from radiology specializing in cardiovascular/echocardiography and radiology. Let’s keep it simple: I took x-rays of the body and ultrasound pictures of the heart along with other studies. The other studies included Pharmaceutical training and, yes, medicinal treatment as well. Cannot teach one without the other.

So what does that mean to you?

My coaching looks at your way of life – an energic approach to medicines. I want to learn about your medications, see and hear you, to develop alternative treatments using herbs in solving your common, everyday illness.


I would like to explicitly express with no confusion or doubt – I am not a board-certified doctor. I believe in using herbs to solve health issues including mental health, stress, blood pressure, etc.

An herbalist does NOT hand out
Candy Slips! You Choose…

Revolving Appointments with “Good Health”

Doctor - Patient Visit
pharmacy counter visit
variety of pills in the palm of a hand
the word 'OR' in white on a gold background

Self Care with “TRUE Health”

online consult
beautiful pink herbal tea in a glass mug - NIIJI's Earthly Science Solutions
metal tea ball with herbs - NIIJI's Earthly Science Solutions


I wish everyone could afford to eat whole grains, meats, dairy and be healthy. Unfortunately, in our world, it is not just our diets and environment. The problem with the healthcare world is that the medical community sees a symptom and just throws a drug at it.

With my medical background and my herbal blends, I desire to offer
affordable, safe teas that have the potential to offer you vitality and health benefits.

None of this can happen without your active participation, self-responsibility, and possibly an attitude change. WE – you and I – can enjoy a much better quality of life.

As your listening herbalist, I’d like to help.

Are you ready?